1. Messages that suffer from problems with content, grouping, or sequence lack good __________.
  2. In a well-organized message, the subject and __________ are clear, and all information is related to them.
  3. An __________ or a schematic diagram will help you visualize the relationship among parts of a message.
  4. The __________ between ideas help audiences understand how your thoughts are related.
  5. One schematic approach to planning a message is the __________ __________.
  6. In the __________ approach to organizing a message, the main idea comes first, followed by the evidence.
  7. In the __________ approach to organizing a message, the evidence comes first, and the main idea comes later.
  8. The __________ approach is effective for messages that will either please the reader or cause no particular reaction.
  9. The __________ approach is best for bad-news and persuasive messages.
  10. __________ reports or presentations are messages designed to impart nothing more than facts.
  11. You can vary your __________ (sentence structure and vocabulary) to achieve a suitable __________ (overall impression).
  12. Using a __________ attitude allows you to establish empathy with your audience.
  13. Instead of using harsh, unpleasant terms, use mild words, or __________.
  14. When you communicate with people outside your organization, you need to be sure to project the right __________ for your company.
  1. Which of the following is not one of the common faults responsible for most of the organizational problems in business messages?
  2. One of the basic rules of good organization is that
  3. One purpose of good organization in business messages is to
  4. Which of the following is not one of the benefits of a well-organized message?
  5. Eliminating superfluous information from your message will
  6. Achieving good organization is a two-step process: defining and grouping ideas and then
  7. An outline
  8. When preparing an "organization chart" to help organize a message, you begin with
  9. Everything in a well-written business message
  10. The specific evidence included in a business message
  11. Which of the following is not a type of detail used to support a major point in a message?
  12. It is better to use the indirect approach if your audience will
  13. When writing a direct request to an interested and willing audience, you
  14. It is preferable to use the direct approach with
  15. When you have bad news to convey, it is a good idea to

  1. Routine messages call for the direct approach.
  2. The most persuasive messages are those that take the direct approach.
  3. In general, the direct approach is used for informational reports and presentations.
  4. Analytical reports and presentations are designed to lead the audience to a specific conclusion.
  5. Analytical reports can be arranged sequentially, chronologically, spatially, geographically, or categorically.
  6. Once you prepare your outline, you do not deviate from it when writing the draft.
  7. When preparing your first draft, you are not concerned about style or tone.
  8. When addressing a message to someone of higher rank, it is best to keep a respectful tone.
  9. Enlivening business messages with humor will always please your readers, especially if they don't know you very well.
  10. When writing memos to higher-level employees, flattery is recommended.
  11. Bragging about your company's accomplishments can be offensive to readers.
  12. The "you" attitude refers to your always keeping in mind how business communication will ultimately affect your career.
  13. You cannot overdo the "you" attitude.
  14. Any use of the word "you" in a business communication is an indication of the "you" attitude.
  15. The "you" attitude is avoided when you are assigning blame for a problem.
  16. Emphasizing the positive side of your message shows sensitivity to your audience.
  17. When someone makes a mistake, you avoid dwelling on his or her failure and instead focus on how the person can improve.
  18. Avoid using euphemisms because they are inherently dishonest.
  19. Your audience's belief in your competence and integrity is not important; it is the content of your message that counts.
  20. To build credibility, promise only what you can do and then do what you promise.
  21. Giving your readers general compliments such as "You are doing a great job" will enhance your credibility with them.
  22. Being too modest can reduce your credibility with your audience.
  23. Even when dealing with someone who has made you angry and frustrated, you maintain a polite, courteous tone.
  24. Written communication generally requires more tact than oral communication.
  25. Most managers accept the first draft of letters and memos written for them by subordinates, and rarely do such messages need more than one revision.

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