  1. The most basic form of communication is nonverbal.
  2. Although nonverbal cues had significance in primitive times, they have little value in today's sophisticated world of communication.
  3. All gestures mean the same thing in every culture.
  4. Verbal communication has more impact than nonverbal communication.
  5. If a person were to say one thing but transmit a conflicting nonverbal signal, we would probably believe the verbal message.
  6. People spend more time receiving information than transmitting it.
  7. The formality of a situation is one important factor in choosing a transmission channel.
  8. Business messages contain only a content meaning.
  9. When formulating business messages, you should bear in mind that you're communicating both as an individual and as a representative of your organization.
  10. do not give your audience a preview of the topics you intend to cover if some of your ideas are controversial.
  11. Especially in business environments, it is important to keep messages brief and to the point.
  12. Receivers are more likely to understand and accept your message if you show how new ideas relate to familiar ones.
  13. Feedback is easy to get regardless of the transmission method you choose.
Multiple Choice
  1. Compared to nonverbal communication, verbal communication (A) is more structured; (B) is more spontaneous; (C) has more impact; (D) is more reliable.
  2. The aspect of communication that is relatively easy to control is your (A) facial expression; (B) vocal characteristics; (C) choice of words; (D) body language.
  3. In the first step of the communication process, (A) the sender decides what to say; (B) the sender has an idea; (C) the sender chooses a medium of transmission; (D) the sender transmits the message.
  4. You must take into account the message you want to convey, the location of your audience, the need for speed, and the formality of the situation when choosing (A) a communication channel; (B) a communication purpose; (C) what to wear (D)gestures and facial expressions.
  5. The final link in the communication chain is (A) sending the message; (B) receiving the message; (C) giving feedback to the sender; (D) interpreting the message.
  6. Communication is effective only when (A) the sender has a meaningful idea; (B) the idea becomes a message; (C) the message gets transmitted; (D) each step of the communication process is successful.
  7. Indecision about message content, lack of familiarity with the situation or receiver, and difficulty in expressing ideas are problems you might encounter when (A) formulating a message; (B) sending a message; (C) receiving a message; (D) interpreting a message.
  8. Someone who has trouble putting thoughts into words (A) can forget about a career in business; (B) can avoid jobs that require a great deal of communication; (C) can make an effort to take courses or undertake a self-study program to overcome this problem; (D) will have little trouble succeeding in today's business world.
  9. The most extreme example of how backgrounds can impede communication occurs when the communicators (A) are different ages; (B) are of different social status; (C) come from different countries or cultures; (D) have opposing political views.
  10. Composing a business message is made more complex by (A) conflicts between the writer's personal views and the demands of the organization; (B) dry or difficult subject matter; (C) difficult working conditions; (D) all of the above.
  11. Which of the following is not a principal quality of successful communicators? (A) credibility; (B) aggression; (C) congeniality; (D) control.
  12. The best way to create messages carefully is to focus on (A) your delivery; (B) your style and tone; (C) your audience; (D) your appearance.
  13. If feedback is important to you, (A) stick with a written message; (B) plan how and when to accept it; (C) avoid people who might have negative comments; (D) do all of the above.
Short Answer
  1. Explain the four channels of verbal communication.
  2. Identify the steps in the communication process.
  3. Discuss at least two communication barriers and how you can overcome them.
  4. List three things you can do to improve communication.

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